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Walking on water, lava, quicksand, and hills in Super Mario 64

Please be advised that the following video contains vulgar language in the subtitles.

EDIT: I used the code in Project 64 version 1.6 when making this video. I'm unsure if this code will work for any emulator other than Project 64. For those of you who are having trouble adding the code in Project 64, refer to the following link:

In this video, you can give Mario the ability to walk on either water, lava, quicksand, or hills. Here is the code for making Mario walk on water, lava, quicksand, and hills:

81255490 1000

8125572C 1000

8125572E 0031

81250900 1000

81381764 0800

81381766 0024

81000090 3C04

81000092 8034

81000094 8484

81000096 B1E6

81000098 4484

8100009A 3000

810000A0 4680

810000A2 3120

81253BF0 2400

81264BBC 1000

810000A4 4604

810000A6 903C

810000AC 4500

810000AE 0002

810000B4 4600

810000B6 2486

810000B8 080E

810000BA 05DB

810000BC E712

Just an FYI, there was a death involved in this video that took me by pure surprise. I guess it was just my bad luck that it happened or it would be the fact that every copy of Super Mario 64 is personalized lol.

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